Pathways to Combat COVID-19 Pandemic & Beyond
- Circulating government advisory for social & physical distancing, stay home, hand washing, stay isolation & house Quarantine
- psycho-Social counseling & behavioral change for stranded & returned migrants
- monitoring the entitlemen
- Sanitizer, Mask other basic requirements during quarantine
- Strategic support to government for community resilience
Now community response is well. Looking at whole gamut of COVID-19 & further vulnerability mitigation there has a dire need for short &long term action and stand enough towards sustainable communities & to meet the forth coming climate crisis ,vulnerability.
Following few things need now & beyond COVID-19 for returned migrants, stranded labours, women, children, disabilities, wage earners daily labourers , slum dwellers to address hunger, saving lives & of rebuilding livelihoods:
- Social & Humanitarian Response support for returned migrants, stranded labours on COVID19 Pandemic ( Food & nutrition Kit, Dignity kit for women & adolescents, School kit children, Preventive kit for front line workers, agro-Kit for farmers with micro-nutrition supplements/ health boosters, setting up call centres for IEC, employable skill-building , area sanitization by drone.
- Building Community Assets & Promotion of ecosystem-based climate change resilient integrated livelihood models connecting the community with saving life & security on food water, culture, nature, nutrition, hygiene, sanitation , lifestyle, education on environment, circular economy, green energy & low carbon development strategies, technology transfer & familiarisation of sustainable food system as part of innovation.
- Enabling Environment & Setting up an institutional process for learning, management and sustainability that includes Community institution building, Knowledge transformation, scaling up , Call centres (Resource Hub) & ICT, Employable Skill building for women, youths as inclusion, connecting to Farmers Producers Organisation on processing, value addition, marketing towards Eco-prenures
Thus we must invest our best effort, time & resources towards people & planet. Your Support & Solidarity at this critical time for any initiatives in Small or Big in number. Be Kind, Be Generous to extend support:
Please do extend Support for Poor Retuned Distressed Migrants, Poor communities, slum dwellers, daily labourers/wage earners, rag-pickers, children, single-headed Men & Women, dropouts and adolescents.
Further information please post mail to, mobile/whatsapp:+919437110892, landline:+916742475656, Please visit our web page: https//