Welcome To UDYAMA
Major activities we work with communities in rural, tribal and urban areas
- Science led Food and nutrition security
- Landscape advancement and Ecosystem services
- WASH for children and women
- Local Biodivercity conservation, Green energy and carbon absorption
- Disaster risk reduction and resilience building
- Climate justice and community adaptation
- Circular economy and sustainable communities
- Employable skill building, Education and lifestyle
- Covid-19 & climate crisis pathways.
Broader Objective
"No Work Is Small, Small Is Big"
Founded in 1997, Udyama aims at strengthening and building capacities of local communities for rejuvenating ecological, economical and human capital by making optimum and sustainable use of local resources, working directly with the community and partner development organisations. In doing so, the process of choice has been building ‘Community Resilience’ enhancing adaptations to vulnerability and changing the attitude from dependency to self-reliance. Udyama’s role is focused on strengthening the local community through development communication, capability building exercises and participatory tools.
UDYAMA Glocal International Pvt Ltd
Please do connect “Community Based Preparedness for COVID & Climate Crisis : Readiness , Response,Recovery & Resilience”
Awards & Accolades
Key Achievements
- 3500 nos-Micro-models on water project, Dug well, Percolation tanks, Community ponds, Water harvesting, Water recharge, Landscape development, Water conservation.
- 25-CBOs-federating-together livelihoods scale-up
- 2000 nos- distressed-migrant self-engaged
- 200 nos-women-collectives engaged
- 20000 hectares-adopted resilient-farming-
- 500-hectares-pulses -under NFSM
- 1000-hectares-local biodiversity-protection,
- 2500-Home-solar-lighting-system for women,
- 3000-fuel-efficient-cooking-stoves under LEDS
- 45-schoolspracticing sanitation, nutrition hygiene
- 200-women-groups in backyard nutrition
- 15-Citizen-Action, Climate Justice/Resilience
- 25-onion shades leveraged from Government
- 480-nos of treadle-pumps for cropping
- 09-Biogas plant & solar-drier distributed
- 01-nos of solar-energy-centre catering 28 HHs
- 200-nos ultra-poor linked to 5 FPOs
- 10-nos-ICT-KIOSKsweather information climate risks
- 10-nos-ICT-KIOSKs for digital weather information climate risks, to undertake risk informed resilient livelihoods practices
- 90750 -COVID Vaccine Readiness, preparedness, resilience & recovery- with added CAB protocol advocacy, undertaking social protection campaign & immunity boosting for all

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If you want to be remembered, do something memorable, do different things, Positive deliverable and differently.
Udyama has been undertaking and facilitating modest attempts in a sustained manner, primarily to restore the networks that can rejuvenate the resource base. Additionally, it empowers the communities in searching alternative means to live with dignity and face the ‘Next Development Challenges’ for a lasting solution to risk informed disaster resilient development and adaptation to climate change vulnerabilities through a process of participation, learning and positive action. In addition, Udyama has embraced integrated and convergent action, meticulously embedded into the community-led programmes for mitigating related issues to address broad based livelihoods like WASH, bringing innovation & inclusion in Ecosystem based adaptations, Life skill building, green energy education, nutrition, local biodiversity conservation , entrepreneurship and health that have a significant influence on the lives& livelihoods of the poor in both rural and urban settings.
Covid-19 & Beyond

Program Focus Areas for UDYAMA
Our small actions, reflections and advocacy to influence policy for practice; Can Say A Lot About us. Please donate for a cause to avail a tax benefit.
- WASH for children and women
- Food and nutrition
- Disaster risk reduction and resilience building
- Climate justice and community adaptation
- Employable skill building and education

Support to youth dropouts on Free Computer Training and digital learning Course In Association with Sai Solutions